How To Browse and Build Jewellery

Except for artisans, very few box stores make their own jewellery. So why would you pay box store markups? Even when you order a custom-built piece from a store, in most cases it’s made up of parts from a wholesale manufacturer. Petitjean Jewellery offers alternative low cost access to the largest wholesale manufacturer in North America. We plug you directly into their inventory of jewellery and precious stones, allowing you to browse, build and experiment with pricing the same way a jeweller would. Learn more.


To begin, go to our Shop page.

Find a category that interests you and click “Browse”. This will link you to a logical starting point in our supplier’s system.

Nearly everything in the inventory is available in a variety of precious metals and can be set with the stone(s) of your choosing. For this reason, we recommend you begin by searching for a design you like, ignoring the metal type and stone. You can specify both later.

Use the navigation tools on the left side of the screen to help you browse. You should experiment, but we find the most useful way to browse is by “Category”.

Example screenshot of browsing and building jewellery on our online shop.

Clicking on an item will bring up it’s details page and offer options that can be customized. The exact look of the details page will vary by product, but the options are generally the same.

In the example shown, options are:

  • Jewellery State. You can choose “Fully Set” (include all stones), “Semi-Set” (include all but the primary centre stone) or “Unset” (include no stones). Your selection will determine what stones you can later select manually. Choose “Unset” if you want to select all of your stones yourself manually.

  • Quality. This is your metal type. Some products offer nearly a dozen options, where others only offer two or three options. Most offer yellow, white, rose gold and platinum options.

  • Primary Stone Shape. Your selection will refine the primary stones you can later choose from.

  • Primary Stone Size. Your selection will refine the primary stones you can later choose from.

  • Exact Ring Sizing. Option “7.00 (approximate standard size)” is not exactly size 7. If you want exactly size 7, then choose “7.00 (sized exactly)”.

  • Set Stones. Clicking “Add Stones” will launch a stone browser. The stones you can select manually yourself were determined by your choice of Jewellery State. If you chose “Fully Set” then you cannot select any stones manually yourself. If you chose “Semi-Set” then you can select only the primary stone(s) manually yourself. If you chose “Unset” then you can select all the stones manually yourself.

Next, learn how to browse diamonds and gemstones, then how to place an order.


How to Browse Diamonds